Thursday, April 22, 2010

Everything into the mouth!

Elle has always been an "oral" baby. Lots of drool and lots of things in her mouth. This has been going on since she was probably 3 months old. She LOVES putting her fingers and hands in her mouth. Usually both hands at the same time. All toys go directly in the mouth, blankets in the mouth, car seat and stroller straps in the mouth, she has even started grabbing her onesie and getting the neck in her mouth. It is was it is, there really isn't anything we can do about it, so I just make sure everything she can get her hands on is as clean as possible. I even bought terry cloth strap covers for her stroller straps so I can at least wash them once in a while.

On to today....

Elle and I were hanging in out Florida room looking out the glass doors, sort of watching Daddy mow the lawn. Elle was enjoying time in her Bumbo. Let's see what happens....

Oh...these fingers look good....a nice snack....

Oh wait...What's this??

Oh yes....yum yum yum

Oh, um, Mom, I see you looking at me

I'll just concentrate on this side over here

OK, this is getting old. Back to my faithful fingers. YUMMY!

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