Here are Elle's 8 months stats (taken at home):
Weight: 15lbs 15 oz
Height: 26.25 inches
Clothes: 3-6 and 6-9 month sizes
Diapers: size 2 during the day, size 3 for overnight
Teeth: NONE
Food: 4 bottles a day (6 oz each), all formula. We stopped breastfeeding at about 7.5 months and the transition has gone well.
1-2 meals a day of baby food (purees, either homemade or jarred), 1 serving of rice cereal a day. Elle snacks on Puffs now and eats what she can from our plates. She loves to eat!! She also eats baby yogurt some days.
Milestones: Gets up on all fours, and pushes up on her feet, in a 'downward dog' type move. Rocks back and forth, jumps legs off the ground, can move backwards but not forward yet. No words, Elle is not a very vocal baby. She does click her tongue now though, it's super cute. She loves her feet and is always putting her left big toe into her mouth. Sleeps great, 3 naps a day, 1.5-2.5 hours each and through the night.
I love Elle more and more everyday. She makes me smile all day long. She is laughing out loud more and more which excites me so much. I love knowing she is such a happy girl. She is very interested in her toys and loves to be read to. She stares at the books and seems to be following along. She can get her toy "Violet" to turn on and play music all by herself.
I cannot believe she is already 8 months old, time is going so quickly. I am so lucky to be able to spend so much time with her. I am thankful that I don't have to work everyday and she can be with me. She is such a sweet girl, I can't even imagine my life without her.