Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Greenfield Village

We took Elle to Greenfield Village for the first time today. This is one of her brothers favorite places to go, and he has been asking to go for a few weeks so today was the day! Brothers favorite thing to do at Greenfield Village is ride the train. So of course that was the first thing we did. Elle smiled the WHOLE time and really seemed to like it! She was adorable. After the train ride we walked around a bit, went for a ride on a Model T car and then headed to dinner. It was hot today, so an hour or so outside was all any of us could handle.

Elle loves the wagon!

Brother was out riding his bike the other day and Elle and I were outside watching him when I decided to give her a whirl in the wagon. It was brother's when he was young, and I wasn't sure if Elle was ready for it yet, but she seemed to love it! I buckled her in and she did a great job of sitting up well and not toppling over! Of course once we got going Brother ditched his bike and jumped in. It is tough pulling two kids in a wagon!! I think it was sort of a workout.

Happy Father's Day 2010

We celebrated Father's Day this year by going to lunch at my Aunt and Uncles house. My parents, lots of aunts, uncles and cousins were there, as well as my Grandpa. It was a beautiful day and it was great to be with my family. Here are some pictures from a wonderful Father's Day. I am so lucky to have my dad and such a great dad for my kids as well.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Elle is 7 months old

Elle is 7 months old and is awesome!
Here is what she is up to:

*Breastfeeding 2 times a day (morning and night)
*Bottles of formula 2 times a day
*Rice cereal and solids once a day, sometimes twice
*Size 2 diapers
*Size 6-9 month clothing
*Rolling both ways
*Pushing up and trying to crawl
*Scooting backwards on the floor
*3 naps a day
*Sleeping 11-12 hours a night
*Loves bathtime! Loves rolling over onto her belly and splashing around in the tub
*STILL sleeping in the pack'n'play in our room at night (I know...this is bad, but at least she is napping and going to bed in her crib, I just grab her and bring her upstairs when I go to bed)
*Loves to play with her toys
*Loves the ABC song
*Loves playing with her feet

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Video of Elle laughing

This is a video from today when I was trying to get some cute shots of her. She wasn't too interested in getting her picture taken but had a ball laughing at me! She was cracking me up, she is so so so cute when she laughs!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Losing Motivation

Not sure what is going on with me but I am losing motivation for keeping up this blog. Ever since my trip last month I have had a hard time getting back into the swing of things. I have not gotten online very much and am trying to focus on things in the real world, rather than the online world. Although things in the real world aren't that great, they are reality and I need to focus on that. Right?

Elle is perfect and makes me smile every day. She is growing up before my eyes and that is amazing. She is trying so hard to crawl, she looks like an inch worm on the floor. She is really enjoying food and all the different tastes she experiences. She makes me feel SO guilty when I eat or drink around her. She is so engrossed in what I have, she acts like I am starving her!! She looks like a baby bird anytime she is around food, ours or hers. Her mouth is wide open, looking like she is hoping for something to fall right in!

Tomorrow Elle will be 7 months. I will give a 7 month review, touching on all her milestones and include some pictures.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

I have been so busy the last few weeks. I went to Vegas for a long weekend and have been trying to catch up ever since!!!

Elle is doing great, I think she is in a major growth spurt. Her schedule is way off, her naps are very sporadic and she is wanting to eat all the time! We are starting so supplement more and more with formula, and it is really a nice break for me.

Her are some cute recent pictures:

Sorry I have been MIA...I am back in the game now :)

Elle's 6 month stats

Elle had her 6 month check up on May 18. Everything looked great. She is 14 lbs 13 oz and 25 inches long. 25th percentile, my little peanut :)